Why we're migrating (many of) our servers from Linux to FreeBSD

Why we're migrating (many of) our servers from Linux to FreeBSD

12 min read

More about this in the article I wrote to accompany my talk at EuroBSDCon 2024.

Please note: This article was (unexpectedly) quite popular and many interesting opinions came out from the Hacker News thread that it generated. If you're interested, have a look here: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=30057549

There's an Italian version of this article here.

I've been a Linux (or GNU/Linux, for the purists) user since 1996. I've been a FreeBSD user since 2002. I have always successfully used both operating systems, each for specific purposes. I have found, on average, BSD systems to be more stable than their Linux equivalents. By stability, I don't mean uptime (too much uptime means too few kernel security updates, which is wrong). I mean that things work as they should, that they don't "break" from one update to the next, and that you don't have to revise everything because of a missing or modified basic command.

I've always been for development and innovation as long as it doesn't (necessarily, automatically and unreasonably) break everything that is already in place. And the road that the various Linux distributions are taking seems to be that of modifying things that work just for the sake of it or to follow the diktats of the Kernel and those who manage it - but not only.

Some time ago we started a complex, continuous and not always linear operation, that is to migrate, where possible, most of the servers (ours and of our customers) from Linux to FreeBSD.

Why FreeBSD?

There are many alternative operating systems to Linux and the *BSD family is varied and complete. FreeBSD, in my opinion, today is the "all rounder" system par excellence, i.e. well refined and suitable both for use on large servers and small embedded systems. The other BSDs have strengths that, in some fields, make them particularly suitable but FreeBSD, in my humble opinion, is suitable (almost) for every purpose.

So back to the main topic of this article, why am I migrating many of the servers we manage to FreeBSD? The reasons are many, I will list some of them with corresponding explanations.

The system is consistent - kernel and userland are created and managed by the same team

One of the fundamental problems with Linux is that (we shall remember) it is a kernel, everything else is created by different people/companies. On more than one occasion Linus Torvalds as well as other leading Linux kernel developers have remarked that they care about the development of the kernel itself, not how users will use it. In the technical decisions, therefore, they don't take into account what is the real use of the systems but that the kernel will go its own path. This is a good thing, as the development of the Linux kernel is not "held back" by the struggle between distributions and software solutions, but at the same time it is also a disadvantage. In FreeBSD, the kernel and its userland (i.e. all the components of the base operating system) are developed by the same team and there is, therefore, a strong cohesion between the parties. In many Linux distributions it was necessary to "deprecate" ifconfig in favor of ip because new developments in the kernel were no longer supported by ifconfig, without breaking compatibility with other (previous) kernel versions or having functions (on the same network interface) managed by different tools. In FreeBSD, with each release of the operating system, there are both kernel and userland updates, so these changes are consistently incorporated and documented, making the tools compatible with their kernel-side updates.

In other words, in FreeBSD there is no need to " revolutionise" everything every few years and changes are made primarily in the form of additions that can enrich (and not break) each update. If a modification was to change the way it interacts with network devices, ifconfig would be modified to take advantage of that and remain compatible with the "old" syntax. In the long-term, this kind of approach is definitely appreciated by system administrators who find themselves with a linear, consistent, and always well-documented update path.

FreeBSD development is (still) driven by technical interests, not strictly commercial ones.

Linux and related distributions now have contributions from many companies, many of which (e.g. Red Hat) push (justifiably) in the direction of what is convenient for them, their products, and their services. Being big contributors to the project they have a big clout so, indeed, their solutions often become de-facto standards. Consider systemd - was there really a need for such a system? While it brought some advantages, it added some complexity to an otherwise extremely simple and functional system. It remains divisive to this day, with many asking, "but was it really necessary? Did the advantages it brought balance the disadvantages?". 70 binaries just for initialising and logging and a million and a half lines of code just for that? But Red Hat threw the rock...and many followed along. Because sometimes it's nice to follow the trend, the hype of a specific solution.

Even FreeBSD has big companies behind it, collaborating in a more or less direct way. The license is more permissive, so not everyone who uses it commercially contributes to it, but knowing that FreeBSD is at the base of Netflix CDNs, Whatsapp servers (waiting for Meta to replace them, for internal coherence reasons, with Linux servers), Sony Playstations and, in part, macOS, iOS, iPadOS, etc. surely gives confidence on its level. These realities, however, do not have enough clout to drive the development of the core team.

Linux has Docker, Podman, lxc, lxd, etc. but... FreeBSD has jails!

FreeBSD jails are very powerful tools for jailing and separating services. There is controversy about Docker not running on FreeBSD but I believe (like many others) that FreeBSD has a more powerful tool. Jails are older and more mature - and by far - than any containerization solution on Linux. Jails are efficient and are well integrated throughout the operating system. All major commands (ps, kill, top, etc.) are able to display jail information as well. There are many management tools but, in fact, they all do the same thing: they interact with FreeBSD base and create custom configuration files. Personally I'm very comfortable with BastilleBSD but there are a lot of very good tools as well as a sufficiently simple manual management. When I need Docker I launch a Linux machine - often Alpine, which I think is a great minimalist distribution, or Debian. But I'm moving a lot of services from Docker to a dedicated jail on FreeBSD. Docker containers are a great tool for rapid (and consistent) software deployment, but it's not all fun and games. Containers, for example, rely on images that sometimes age and are no longer updated. This is a security issue that should not be overlooked.

Linux has ext4, xfs, btrfs... (and zfs, but with some manual intervention). FreeBSD has UFS2 and ZFS

UFS2 is still a very good and efficient file system and, when configured to use softupdates, capable of performing live snapshots of the file system. This is great for backups. Ext4 and XFS do not support snapshots except through external tools (like DattoBD or snapshots through the volume manager). This works, of course, but it is not native. Btrfs is great in its intentions but still not as stable as it should be after all these years of development. FreeBSD supports ZFS natively in the base system and this brings many advantages: separation of datasets for jails, as well as Boot Environments, to make snapshots before upgrades/changes and to be able to boot (from bootloader) even on a different BE, etc.

The FreeBSD boot procedure is cleaner and simpler.

Linux has always used excellent tools such as grub, lilo (now outdated), etc.. FreeBSD has always used a very linear and consistent boot system, with its own bootloader and dedicated boot partition. Whether on mbr, gpt, etc. things are very similar and consistent. I've never had a problem getting a FreeBSD system to boot after a move or recovery from backup. On Linux, however, grub has sometimes given me problems, even after a simple kernel security update.

FreeBSD's network stack is (still) superior to Linux's - and, often, so is its performance.

Meta has been trying to bring the performance of the Linux network stack up to the level of FreeBSD's for years. Many will ask why, then, not move services to FreeBSD. Large companies with huge datacenters can't change solutions overnight, and their engineers, at any level, are Linux experts. They have invested heavily in btrfs, in Linux, in their specifics. Clearly, upon acquiring Whatsapp, they preferred to migrate the "few" Whatsapp servers to Linux and move them to their datacenters. Regarding the real system performance (i.e. disregarding benchmarks, useful only up to a certain point), FreeBSD shines, especially under high load conditions. Where Linux starts to gasp (ex: waiting for I/O) with 100% CPU, FreeBSD has lower processor load and room for more stuff. In the real world (of my servers and load types), I sometimes experienced severe system slowdowns due to high I/O, even if the data to be processed was not read/write dependent. On FreeBSD this does not happen, and if something is blocking, it blocks THAT operation, not the rest of the system. When performing backups or other important operations this factor becomes extremely important to ensure proper (and stable) system performance.

Straightforward system performance analysis

FreeBSD, in the base system, has all the tools to analyze possible problems and system loads. "vmstat" , in a single line, tells me if the machine is struggling for CPU, for I/O or for Ram. "gstat -a" shows me how much, disk by disk, partition by partition, the storage is active, also in percentage with reference to its performance. "top", then, also has support for figuring out, process by process, how much I/O is being used ("m" option). On Linux, to get the same results, you have to install specific applications, different from distribution to distribution.

Bhyve is more incomplete (but more efficient) than KVM

For my purposes, Bhyve is a great virtualization tool. KVM is definitely more complete but since I don't have any special or specific needs not covered by Bhyve on FreeBSD, I found (on average) better performance with this combination. On FreeBSD, however, KSM is missing which, in some cases, can be very useful.

Will I abandon Linux for FreeBSD? Obviously not, just as I haven't for the last 20 years. Both have their uses, their space, their strengths. But if up to now I have had 80% Linux and 20% FreeBSD, the perspective is to invert the percentages of use and, where possible, directly implement solutions based on FreeBSD.

NOTE: this article has been translated from its Italian original version. Even if it's been reviewed and adapted, there might be some errors.