About Me

Stefano Marinelli

Stefano Marinelli

My name is Stefano Marinelli. I was born in 1979 and graduated with a degree in Computer Science from the University of Bologna in 2003. I founded and ran a small IT company focused on advanced services such as server management, virtualization, hosting, and custom-tailored solutions. Recently, I became the CEO of Prodottoinrete Group SRL, and DragasIT is now a part of this group.

My main IT interests include FreeBSD, GNU/Linux, all the BSDs in general, Unix-like systems, embedded systems, high availability, and fault tolerance. I have been working with Linux since 1996, with the *BSDs since 2002, and have extensive experience in problem-solving. I have worked with and for large companies, traveling all around Europe.

I’m the “Barista” of the BSD Cafe, a community where all the BSD enthusiasts (but not only) can meet, interact, exchange ideas, opinions and knowledge in a friendly and relaxed way. Have a look at https://wiki.bsd.cafe for more information.

I’ve recently started a new blog called “My Notes”, where I’ll be writing about everything that comes to mind, including tech-related topics (although the articles will be less technical than those on this blog).

To contact me, please send me an e-mail to stefano@dragas.it or, better yet:

Follow me on the Fediverse (Mastodon, etc)
