Rotating Docker log files

Rotating Docker log files
Sometimes containers log a lot of things, and the logfile can become huge. This happens because containers aren’t supposed to run for a long time but to be created/disposed regularly. Here’s how to fix this. You have to instruct Docker, at launch, and tell how much you want the log file to grow before rotating and how many old logs you want to keep. For example, --log-opt max-size=50m --log-opt max-file=5 [Read More]

BTRFS Best Practices

BTRFS Best Practices
I’ve been using BTRFS for years and I’ve had few problems. Some of them are small and can be avoided with some smart improvements. [Read More]

New Adventures are Coming!

New Adventures are Coming!
Hello everybody. This is the first of a series of tech posts. The idea behind this blog is to share some of the adventures I’ll be facing in the IT world. [Read More]