How we are migrating (many of) our servers from Linux to FreeBSD - Part 3 - Proxmox to FreeBSD

How we are migrating (many of) our servers from Linux to FreeBSD - Part 3 - Proxmox to FreeBSD
This is the story of a successful migration from Proxmox to FreeBSD. VMs, LXC containers and services are now running on the new server. [Read More]

How we are migrating (many of) our servers from Linux to FreeBSD - Part 2 - Backups and Disaster Recovery

How we are migrating (many of) our servers from Linux to FreeBSD - Part 2 - Backups and Disaster Recovery
Backup is not a tool. Backup is not a software you can buy. Backup is a strategy you need to study and implement to be able to solve your specific problems. [Read More]

Rotating Docker log files

Rotating Docker log files
Sometimes containers log a lot of things, and the logfile can become huge. This happens because containers aren’t supposed to run for a long time but to be created/disposed regularly. Here’s how to fix this. You have to instruct Docker, at launch, and tell how much you want the log file to grow before rotating and how many old logs you want to keep. For example, --log-opt max-size=50m --log-opt max-file=5 [Read More]