That Old NetBSD Server, Running Since 2010

That Old NetBSD Server, Running Since 2010
In 2010, one morning, a client called. My task was to set up a new complex server within a tight two-day window. Given the constraints, I opted for my top choice at the time for such tasks: NetBSD and Xen. To my astonishment, over 10 years later, the server was still up and running perfectly [Read More]

How we are migrating (many of) our servers from Linux to FreeBSD - Part 3 - Proxmox to FreeBSD

How we are migrating (many of) our servers from Linux to FreeBSD - Part 3 - Proxmox to FreeBSD
This is the story of a successful migration from Proxmox to FreeBSD. VMs, LXC containers and services are now running on the new server. [Read More]